Reference point not "moving" in post-processing display

In the current test case, the correct displacement is applied on the Reference point, nonetheless it remains at its original location in the postprocessing display (or i’m mistaken): i think it might be interesting to apply the displacement as well

Rigid body display (some elements are missing) remains for me a bit “disturbing”

test_quads_NL.pmx (30.1 KB)

A rigid body display is a symbol that connects a reference point to another geometric item with only a couple of lines. Not all lines are displayed since, for a fine mesh, this would be too dense.

The reference point in the results view is always at the initial coordinates since CalculiX does not output its displacements in the results .frd file.


Just prior to close the topic, a workaround is to get the displacement from the .dat file if the Reference point has been specified in the Outputs.

Thanks to team for the great job

test_quads_NL.pmx (33.7 KB)

Nota: in the meantime i’ve been noticing this topic is not new :slight_smile: