Meshing problem with STL file

Dear All,

A model is created and exported from Autodesk Fusion as STL file for FEA in PrePoMax but however, it could not be meshed in PrePoMax. it can be previewed but meshing took forever without completion. Any advice or guidance would be highly appreciated. Thank you.


HI Chumairo,

I think Stl is already a mesh format ¿ isn’t it ? (surface mesh). Prepomax is probably trying to mesh a thousand of pre-existing surfaces (elements).

You can try to open the file in Gmsh and export it as Abaqus.inp format. This way it will directly open as mesh in Prepomax (Surface mesh).

If you need a volumetric mesh, you probably need to export your CAD file into other format (Step).

@ANYS STL files are recognized as solids and meshed independently of their facets in PrePoMax. However, it’s better to use STEP format to make sure that proper faces will be available for BC/load/constraint application.

Can you share the file ? Did you try changing meshing parameters ?

Using a step File for Export from Fusion 360 will be a better choice.


When requesting to analyze a geometry the following message shows up.

Was that “infinity” there by default ? For what geometry ? It’s working correctly on my side.

Yep. It was by default . v1.3.5.1

EDIT: This is the geometry. It also gets stuck when trying to mesh. Exporting to inp with gmsh works fine.

This geometry is really tricky. There are some artifacts in form of tiny free-floating parts, for instance. I would clean it up in Meshlab or Meshmixer first.

Yes. It is not an easy example to start with.

I can share the file but I don’t know how to attach to the case as it only accept image file formats from my end somehow.

FYI, let’s see if this shared link is working - 1.36 MB file on MEGA.

It seems STEP file would work better. I will try this format.

Thank you all for the inputs and supports. Really appreciated!


i replied an old topic and it maybe too late, but can be useful for another user facing similar problem to deal with complex model of Stl files. It seems TetWild can handle example model given, below some screenshot at testing.

2024-02-15 17_11_57-C__Windows_system32_cmd.exe - tetwild  test1-Fusion.stl

also, i tested with similar model from another link, use Obj file format as input in TetWild and result shown its robustness.

2024-02-15 19_07_32-Gmsh - C__CAE_TetWild_femur_.msh

2024-02-15 19_12_41-

2024-02-15 19_12_31-