Hi everyone, i got an issue performing an Steady State Dynamic step, mi case is a shell element, with a regular mesh, i’ve performed a modal analisys and later the SSD, i don’t find a response for my issue, solver brings me the next message:
*Using up to 1 cpu(s) for setting up the structure of the matrix.*
* *WARNING: 1-D or 2-D elements may cause problems in steady state calculations*
* ensure that point loads defined in a *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS step*
* and applied to nodes belonging to 1-D or 2-D elements have been*
* applied to the same nodes in the preceding FREQUENCY step with*
* magnitude zero; look at example shellf.inp for a guideline.*
* Composing the steady state response from the eigenmodes*
* *ERROR in steadystate reading the off-diagonals of the mass matrix in the eigenvalue file *INFO in steadystate: if there are problems reading the .eig file this may be due to:*
* 1) the nonexistence of the .eig file*
* 2) other boundary conditions than in the input deck*
* which created the .eig file*