Why is the part split like this ? To see the temperature inside ?
Are the results the same in terms of the final temperature ? It will be the same as the part reaches steady state (sink temperature) eventually. But the cooling time should be different.
Exactly, I want to see the course of time in the core and at the surface until the final state is reached.
I expected the cooling time to be different, but I get the same value whether I assume a film coefficient of 10 or 4000. I took the values from the literature.
You should validate your model, like with a Jominy-test or something similar.
Quenching something im water is tricky. If you just have water and you put a subject 1000°C hot, you get an instant vapor blanket - which has totally different thermo parameters.
My point is, always be extra cautious with such a simulations. If your goal is to determine some phase transformation, start with Jominy test and validate your model.