I’ve finally got a chance to try the new GMSH function of PrePoMax. I have a simple solid beam with a rectangular cross-section. However, when I try to use the Extrude Mesh function as explained in the YouTube tutorial, nothing happens. I would appreciate guidance in how to solve this, or clarification if this is a bug or not.
The procedure I followed:
- Open PrePoMax 2.0.0 (both as admin and normal)
- Create a new model
- Import the *.step file
- Set up the Meshing Parameters for the part
- Set up the Extrude mesh
- Tried to visualize the mesh
A detailed image:
The log file after hitting the visualization icon:
12/05/23 22:59:05 Running command: \PrePoMax v2.0.0\PrePoMax v2.0.0\lib\GmshMesher.exe gmshData
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : Meshing 1D...
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : Done meshing 1D (Wall 0s, CPU 0s)
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : 0 nodes 0 elements
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : Meshing 1D...
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : Done meshing 1D (Wall 0s, CPU 0s)
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : Meshing 2D...
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : Done meshing 2D (Wall 0s, CPU 0s)
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : 0 nodes 0 elements
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : Writing '\PrePoMax v2.0.0\PrePoMax v2.0.0\Temp\mesh.inp'...
12/05/23 22:59:05 Warning : Unknown OpenCASCADE entity of dimension 0 with tag 0
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info : Done writing '\PrePoMax v2.0.0\PrePoMax v2.0.0\Temp\mesh.inp'
12/05/23 22:59:05 Warning : Unknown OpenCASCADE entity of dimension 3 with tag 1
12/05/23 22:59:05 Meshing done.
12/05/23 22:59:05
12/05/23 22:59:05 Elapsed time [s]: 0
12/05/23 22:59:05
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: Meshing 1D...
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: Done meshing 1D (Wall 0s, CPU 0s)
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: 0 nodes 0 elements
12/05/23 22:59:05 Warning: Unknown OpenCASCADE entity of dimension 0 with tag 0
12/05/23 22:59:05 Warning: Unknown OpenCASCADE entity of dimension 3 with tag 1
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: Meshing 1D...
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: Done meshing 1D (Wall 0s, CPU 0s)
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: Meshing 2D...
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: Done meshing 2D (Wall 0s, CPU 0s)
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: 0 nodes 0 elements
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: Writing '\PrePoMax v2.0.0\PrePoMax v2.0.0\Temp\mesh.inp'...
12/05/23 22:59:05 Info: Done writing '\PrePoMax v2.0.0\PrePoMax v2.0.0\Temp\mesh.inp'
12/05/23 22:59:05
12/05/23 22:59:05
12/05/23 22:59:05
12/05/23 22:59:05 Elapsed time [s]: 0.298568
12/05/23 22:59:05
The PrePoMax file:
bug_gmsh.pmx (8.4 KB)
This happens for both 1.5.2 and 2.0.0 versions.