Geometry modifications (scale) in a compound part are not retained during meshing

Hi everybody, I would like to thanks again Matej for the development of this fantastic software. I am using version v2.1.0

I am trying to size the backplate for a test machine where a nut is pushing against. The main geometrical dimensions that I am after are the width and the thickness, being the other geometrical dimensions fixed.

I imported a step file with the main plate divided in 4 solids in such a way that I can vary the thickness and/or the width. I created a compound for these 4 solids.

I scaled the geometry to reduce the thickness and width (scaling the individual solids of the compound, to retain the splitting, if I scale the compound itself it becomes a single solid):

Now If I mesh this geometry I end up with the starting geometry:

I also tried to delete the solids that were hidden after the definition of the compound part, thinking that they might retain the information of the starting geometry, but with no luck.

If the parts are not in a compound everything works as it should.

I am wondering if it would be possible, to have these geometry modifications as items in the “Geometry workflow”, so that they can be modified (e.g. the scaling factor) directly selecting the modifier on the left. Below an example of what I have in mind:


Please let me know if I can provide additional information.

Thank you!

I think I understand what you want to do. It has to do with geometry manipulation that is currently not supported in PrePoMax except the Scale feature. A compound part is a single body so its parts cannot be transformed individually.

Adding geometrical features requires a kind of history in the background where the geometrical features used are stored in a list that can be regenerated. Currently, no such history is available. So If you scale the parts first and then create a compound, changing the scaling factor will not change the compound.

What you can do if you have the same number of parts, let’s say 1 to 4, and create a compound and then you want to change it.

  • You can use Edit → Regenerate using other files
  • You can change the geometry in CAD and import it into the prepared model. Then select the corresponding parts in pairs and use Swap Part Geometries. Then apply the Regenerate Compound Part feature and the compound part geometry is updated. If you remesh such a compound, all the FE features should be regenerated.

Wow, that is very smart! I will give it a shot.

Regarding geometry features, I understand that it is not easy to implement and there are for sure more useful feature requests on the list. Anyway the workarounds for geometry manipulation are easy, so no problem.

Thank you for your effort!


If you can scale the parts in PrePoMax, this is even easier. Create the compound first, and do not delete the parts. Then scale the parts the compound was created from. Then, regenerate the compound.