Export and import Analysis steps

multi-steps analysis in CalculiX seems not simple enough, many parameters can be changed within a step. Currently, still possible in ‘Edit Keyword’ feature by copying and paste but the working space of the editor is limited, syntax and auto-completion also.

Exporting and import the whole analysis model can be problematic. It could be more convenient when PrePoMax have a feature in Export and Import of Analysis steps only, modified further by the user and then included in models.

Thank you

This is not so simple. PrePoMax does not support all keywords or all parameters of supported keywords, so what do you do when the user imports something unsupported? How to prepare the three for the user to view the model…

It would be easier to improve the keyword editor.

Yes, this request originated from the topic about the OP parameter. IMO it should be sufficient to allow the modification of existing keywords (despite the risk). Or to add OP=MOD switch but the former would still be very helpful also in other cases.

i can see the problem when this is a mandatory, trees diagram and symbols are needed to display in menu and graphics.

it could be more useful, when copy/paste icon is available. Syntax highlighting is already available, sorry for miss and repeating. Only working space need to improve, it seems too small in portion (six rows). Maybe by dividing space equally (row numbers) of read only and editable keyword, or by allowed to resize can make convenient in use.

indeed, previously i’m not aware related to tree diagram and updated graphic symbol.

right, possibility for advanced feature to unlock some keyword generates to modify with caution.

I have also notice that modification of keywords in the editor has LAG. I have a fast computer but it seems to be computing something every time a new character is introduced in the editor.

sometimes, only node or element sets need for further editing, e.g initial condition. Hopefully it can be viewing (unhide) and selectable.

2024-02-19 21_41_14-Calculix keyword editor

The reason is that the control I am currently using is very slow. That is why the nodes, elements, … are hidden. Only to improve performance. I have a much better working control prepared but must find the time to integrate it into PrePoMax.