Custom cards maximum lenght


Prepomax do not respond properly when I request a TRANSFORM CARD written like:


After many attempts it works written like this:


They are essentially the same but one has 101 maximum characters length and the second 89 (I have removed some decimals).
Seems there is a maximum limit of 95 characters on the same line.

¿Is this a Prepomax or ccx limitation?. I haven’t found nothing said about this on the ccx manual.


I also haven’t seen any information about the limit of characters for data lines. In Abaqus it’s 256 characters (including blanks) max. Try exporting the input file and submitting the analysis outside of PrePoMax to see if it’s caused by CalculiX or PrePoMax.

Yep, good idea. It is a ccx limitation.

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Good to know, it should be added to its documentation.

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