Compound part from IGES surfaces is empty

Hi all,

I’d like to report the following bug in 1.3.0:
I tried merging surfaces from an IGES file (exported from Onshape) into a compound part.

The result is an empty compound part on which I cannot perform any actions. This is what I get when trying to mesh:


Here is the file:
surface-test_2.pmx (1.1 MB)

I hope this is an easy fix. Keep up the good work!

I can confirm the bug. The solution at the moment is to use PrePoMax to export all the geometry parts into the .step format (File->Export->Step). And then import them again into PrePoMax. The problem seems to be hidden in the netgen.exe mesher, which also takes care of the geometry operations. So it might take a while to fix this behaviour.

Hi Matej,

Thanks for the update. Luckily there is a workaround.
