Can I control the 'Status Block' text?

Is there a way to control the text that goes in the status block on the analysis results? I did a non-linear analysis which turned out well, matching a result from ANSYS non-linear actually (color me impressed, I’m new to prepomax/calculix). The analysis had 10 load steps simulating water pressure increasing from 80 psi to 260 psi in 20 psi increments (here in US, water industry still is mostly imperial, just to confuse people). Anyway, I named each of my steps by the pressure, but I noted in the status block, the text just shows me the step number and increment. Reads like “Step: #8 Increment: #1” … I’d like it to say the name of the load step where it says “#8.” So I’d love it to say “Step: 220PSI” (what I named step 8). Anyway to do that? It would greatly help with conveying results to others. Yes I could drop all the images into a ppt and just drop a textbox over that, but it adds a layer of work, and potential for a mistake just shifting the content from one app to another.

Currently, it’s not customizable and the problem with step names is that CalculiX, unlike Abaqus, doesn’t have the *STEP, NAME=... parameter so the .frd results file doesn’t store step names to be later read when opening the results in PrePoMax.

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Okay - thanks for response. I’ll use workaround for now, and suggest feature for future.