Does anyone know of examples of FEA (using Prepomax) of buried pressurized metallic pipes? Ideally including pipes with corrosion defects/wall loss. Thanks
There are no such examples involving PrePoMax but I would check cases in which Abaqus was used for this type of analysis. The solver used by PrePoMax (CalculiX) is based on Abaqus. You will surely find some articles of this kind.
You could model the soil surrounding the pipe using the surface spring feature in PrePoMax: PrePoMax (CalculiX FEA) - Tutorial 19 - Beam on elastic foundation - YouTube
I fid a reference papers, there’s notify a case of buried pipes with corrosion defect is a coupled problem of Mechanical and Electrochemical. It seems CalculiX does not supporting these analysis type.
Some code regulation simplified the problem to be not coupled, only mechanical is being consider. Defect of material using educed in model of geometry/thickness and material strength.
Regarding to modeling soil material for complex three dimensional problems, someone can use Mohr Coulomb inside CalculiX or another type trough TFEL/Mfront integrations.
Thanks for your replies synt and FEAnalyst.
FEAnalyst: thanks for the link, I was in fact following this series of tutorials.
Synt: from the structural point of view, corrosion is just considered as wall loss (not modelling corrosion itself). I believe that is what you mention in your second paragraph.
I will have a detailed look to your suggestions, I may come back with more questions.
Someone can follow or adapt in modeling from this interesting articles, corrosion defects by reduced in thickness approach being used.
For simplification in process, it may start and suggest to use quadratic shell element since thickness variances can easily define by nodal thickness in CalculiX. Contact with massive soil material around pipes also can be modeling implicitly by distance adjustment.