The Revolve mesh cannot be used on parts where the revolve axis coincides with a point or an edge of the geometry. First, this was a limitation of PrePoMax since circular edges are needed in all vertices of the selected base surface. Then, I tried removing this constraint, and I got to another problem. The problem is that if the mesh of the base surface contains a triangle where only one vertex of the triangle is on the revolve axis, this element gets revolved in a four-sided pyramid. PrePoMax does not support such elements, so there are holes in the revolved mesh. I could prevent revolve operations in such cases but decided to remove the support for such parts. I could check for such cases and prevent the mesh generation, but at that time, I did not have time to do it. Do you think it is an important feature?
That is why I added support for transfinite meshing of five-sided volumes = three-sided prisms. Instead of splitting the surface, you need to split the volume into 3 parts, make a compound, and then mesh it using a transfinite mesh.