What is the "fixed" boundary condition mean compared to 0mm?

Very new to ProPoMax and FEA in general. I’ve seen in other threads that Fixed is often used when you have multi-step analysis, but I’m not sure what it actual causes.

Do you mean Fixed boundary condition type where you don’t select the degrees of freedom or Fixed setting for individual DOFs available in the Displacement/Rotation boundary condition type?

Type “Fixed” create boundary conditions, all degrees are fix: x, y, z, rx, ry, rz. In PrePoMax you can see keywords, Menu: Model - Edit Calxulix Keywords:
Node-set-fix, 1, 6, 0.0

here 1=x; 6=rz. Or do you mean something different?

Fixed setting for DOF in the Displacement/Rotation BC is what I meant, apologies. I’m not sure how that is connected to multi-step analysis, or how it differs from just setting any particular DOF to 0mm

Then this is explained here (point 3): Understanding multistep analyses

It’s often used for bolt modeling to freeze pre-tension in the second step with actual loading applied.