Weld Joint simulation ( Similar and Dissimilar metals)

Dear All,

Do you have a video or steps to simulate Weld Joint simulation (Similar and Dissimilar metals)?..

No. I may prepare such a tutorial in the future if it works fine. I made a few tests in the past and I wasn’t happy with the results but I will likely go back to this topic.

For now, check this article, it can be very helpful: https://apolloedge.com/2018/07/19/model-welds-for-finite-element-analysis-fea/

  1. PrePoMax is a pre- processor for the Calculix solver. Your question is mainly Calculix-related, thus the Calculix forum is better place to ask it.
  2. Simple example of modeling of thermal distortion caused by welding can be found at the Prof. M.Kraska web page .
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there’s interesting project related,

Welding tool for CalculiX