Structured Mesh refinement failed

Hey fellow users

I tried my best to structure my mesh, i sliced the model so i can structure it with the extrusion function. Prepomax ignored the refinement for 3 sub volumes, dont know why, maybe someone here has a clue why

Kontaktbrücke.pmx (1.1 MB)

Nice mesh although you could use face partitions for extrusion meshes. Or, since you already have that volume partitions, you can also use the transfinite mesh algorithm.

Try including more edges (particularly those on the opposite side) in the refinement definition.

The problem is also that you have 3 extrude mesh items for one of the volumes.

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In addition, the edges of the three parts you have marked have no refinements. You can see this when activating exploded view:

But you could make your work much easier if you would first create a compound from all the Solids, the mesh would then be connected directly when using “Transfinite Mesh”.

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@Gunnar ok thx i will try that

@Gunnar your hint works very well thx alot
Looks like my problem is gone too, creating this “compound” solved it

I think there are still problems with the mesh refinement in some cases. In your case, it did not work since you had separate bodies to start with. Creating a compound part gives you one body with multiple cells. Then, mesh refinement should work if you apply it only on one edge.