First of all, I want to say that I’ve been using Prepomax 2 months ago and I am very happy with it. It is as easy to uses as a FEM SW can be and quite flexible, too.
To the point. Complex displacemet results from steady state dynamic state are made up of a real part and complex part. The only way I have found to represent that movement is to select Complex= Angle and loop manually from 0 to 360º taking pictures to make a video. That is quite annoying.
May be there is another way but I haven’t found it.
The rest of automatic animations loop from their maximum in a way from 0 to 180 representing 1/2 cycle, may be because they are limited to positive values.
The same problem arises when trying to represent the complex modes fom *Complex Frequency.
Thahk you for your attention and congratulations for such a good program.
Best regards