Quad Mesh Query

Hi I have changed my mesh type to a quad mesh and post analysis I keep getting an error - any ideas please - Thank you

Check the set with those elements to locate them. Some elements might be distorted. Also, check the normals of the faces.

Netgen - the mesher behind PrePoMax - creates a quad-dominated mesh in such a way that it first creates a triangular mesh and then merges triangle pairs into quads. That is why resulting quads are not always planar and can have nonpositive Jacobian.

If there are only a handful of “bad” elements you can fix them using the feature: Model → Tools → Remesh elements. Otherwise, you have to change the global or local meshing parameters.


Thank you so much … :slight_smile: - I will give it a try …

Thank you so much - I managed to delete the bad elements - which were only a few, and it worked - thank you again for your support.

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you can use Salome for complex model, it has smoothing features.


Hi thank you so much for your help. Much appreciated………