When meshing solids, the "Quad-dominated" option does not work for me

When meshing solids imported from STEP created in FreeCAD, the “Quad-dominated” option does not work for me. This is independent of the PrePoMax version. Does anyone have an idea what affects the use of a cuboid mesh?

What am I doing wrong? Maybe the imported solid is faulty?
Sprawdzenie2.pmx (2.5 MB)
Sprawdzenie2.zip (10.7 KB)

Quad-dominated works for surface meshes only - it tries to replace triangular elements with quadrilateral ones. If you want a hexahedral 3D mesh for a solid, you should use one of the Gmsh algorithms: Summary of Gmsh hex meshing rules

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for solid part is hex-dominant, but i did not know the reason to not work inside PrePoMax.

some discussion related,

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I managed to fix PrePoMax meshing.

None of the tetra meshing options in PrePoMax wanted to work.

In the “C:\PrePoMax v2.2.10 dev\Temp” directory there were error files in which I found text pointing to GMSH.

  1. I downloaded and ran the latest version of GMSH. The program hung on the model. That was the problem.

  2. I searched the disk to find old files left by the GMSH program.

  3. In the “C:\Users.…\AppData\Roaming” directory I found 3 old files:
    - gmshrc,
    - gmsh-options,
    - untitled.geo,

which contained the settings and paths to what I did a few years ago.

The problem is fixed. Meshing is much better and faster.

Thank you for trying to help.

(Machine translation)

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// Gmsh Option File
// This file contains configuration options (preferences) that
// are loaded each time Gmsh is launched. You can create this
// file by hand, or let Gmsh generate it for you (with
// ‘File->Save Default Options’). This file can also be
// automatically saved every time you quit Gmsh if the option
// ‘General.SaveOptions’ is set.
General.Axes = 3;
General.BoundingBoxSize = 2.82842712474619;
General.DoubleBuffer = 0;
General.DrawBoundingBoxes = 1;
General.GraphicsFontSize = 16;
Geometry.OCCFixDegenerated = 1;
Geometry.OCCFixSmallEdges = 1;
Geometry.OCCFixSmallFaces = 1;
Geometry.Surfaces = 1;
Geometry.Volumes = 1;
Mesh.ElementOrder = 2;
Mesh.HighOrderOptimize = 2;
Mesh.MeshSizeMax = 1;
Mesh.MeshSizeFromCurvature = 1;
Mesh.MinQuality = 1e+200;
Mesh.OptimizeNetgen = 1;
Mesh.RecombinationAlgorithm = 2;
Mesh.SaveGroupsOfNodes = 1;
Mesh.Smoothing = 100;
Mesh.SurfaceEdges = 0;
Mesh.VolumeFaces = 1;

i checked again in menus to generate hex-dominant mesh, it seems some option is missing in Mesh.Recombine3DAll to be activated (yes/1) instead of default (no/0). Another meshing algorithm setting also in 2D R-Tree options.

result without recombine 3D in latest Gmsh (v4.13.1)

result without recombine 3D in PrePoMax almost identical in pattern and division,

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You are right. This option could be added, since the resulting meshes look nice.


That is a nice find. We have already discovered that some settings in these files overwrite the PrePoMax settings, which should not happen.

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Problem solved, topic to close. I hope I could help others :slight_smile:

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