Currently, our university network was breached by a cybersecurity attack, so the network is unavailable. With it, the PrePoMax homepage is also down. I hope our guys will fix this problem soon.
It seems it will take longer to set up our University network. So in the mean time, I am sharing the links to the latest PrePoMax versions:
But not everything is bad. I finally found the time and courage to start developing the sweep mesh algorithm. It is looking good
Awesome, I guess you had to find some workaround because Gmsh doesn’t support swept meshes.
I just visited on the weekend. It’s good to know that terrorist don’t just want to attack companies and governments but now schools, seriously. I hope it gets sorted but maybe put .exe file in the gitlab build if possible. Thx again for this software. I was hoping to investigate whether or not PPM has export deformed mesh capabilities? as GPT and FC Project hit a wall on this matter!
I did try uploading it to Gitlab, but the limit on the file upload was 100 Mb.
I am using Gmsh for 2D mesh generation, while PrePoMax generates 3D mesh. It splits the geometry into source, side, and target surfaces. The side surfaces must be 4-sided to be quad meshable while there is no limitation to source and side surfaces. All surfaces can be curved, and it is possible to generate swept mesh over multiple “layers” of side surfaces.
Too bad Gmsh itself can’t do it this way. But great work, it looks much more user-friendly than this:
For the paper clip, you now only need one click in PrePoMax. The tutorial uses the extrude command, which is very limited, as I am sure you know. It assumes a constant cross-section parallel at the start and end surfaces. Sweep can handle much more cases. The first tests show nice results even for twisting geometries with cross-section size and orientation changes.
I have to add additional constraints on the number of elements, and then I will prepare an executable for testing.
when problem with prepomax website will be fixed ?
We hoped the network would be fixed today, but it is not. Imagine having the whole university without internet access. The PrePoMax page is currently the smallest of concerns…
“The PrePoMax page is currently the smallest of concerns…” but the most significant in free and open source FEA software in my opinion best choice
best regards
Thank you for the comment. I also hope it will be fixed soon. The problem is that I did not make any backups, so it is hard for me to transfer the page to one of the commercial providers. That is on me.
For now, if you want to download the newest versions or documentation, they were uploaded here on the forum.
The PrePoMax web page is online again:
Hi @Matej,
I have tried numerous times over the last few days but still unable to connect. Is anyone else getting the same result ?
I do not know what is wrong, but I can ask our administrators if some IPs are being blocked.
Hi @Matej
Did the administrators perhaps confirm what you pointed out ?
I suspect that you could be correct, because I get the same message on different PCs on different networks.