Perturbation parameter for the static step


currently, the perturbation option can be turned on or off for frequency and buckling steps only. However, I’d like to suggest adding an option to enable it (it should be disabled by default) also for the static step. This would result in:


which can be used to perform a multistep analysis consisting of independent steps and thus allows for analyses with load cases (*LOAD CASE keyword known from Abaqus isn’t available in CalculiX but such multiple static linear perturbation steps can replace it).

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Ok, I was not aware of this functionality for the *Static step. I will try it out and then including it is not a problem.

I carried out some additional tests and it seems that the perturbation parameter may not be that useful for static steps. If it works in the same way as in Abaqus, it can make sense but mostly for potential gain in analysis time and ensuring linearity. However, I’m not sure if it’s the case in CalculiX. So I would hold off on implementing this for now, sorry for the confusion.

Thank you for this. I am implementing the *Dynamic step now, so I thought of adding the perturbation parameter. Will postpone it :slight_smile: