Hi I am running a static job with 1.3.5 and default solver and have it set to use 16 cpus which I think is what is doing when I look at the CPU loads but the monitor status keeps outputting using up to 1 cups…
Hi I am running a static job with 1.3.5 and default solver and have it set to use 16 cpus which I think is what is doing when I look at the CPU loads but the monitor status keeps outputting using up to 1 cups…
Check the output when submitting the analysis manually from the input file via the command line: ccx_static input_file_name
Just make sure that the solver file is in the same directory as the input file.
Then you can try setting it manually using the command line: set OMP_NUM_THREADS=16
I am using as with the earlier version, simply unzipped so I think that means it is the same directory as the executable. (see attached)
I will admit I haven’t run any calcluix jobs with command line in Windows, I didn’t know it was possible. Command line is how I always ran Abaqus so it would feel more natural.
What I meant is that those files have to be in the same directory to run from the command line.
Give it a try and check the number of CPUs displayed in the command window. If it’s again 1 CPU, setting the aforementioned environment variable should help.
I tried reproducing the bug, but I had no success. Did you look at the Monitor window to determine the number of CPUs used? There should be something like:
Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.
Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the symmetric stiffness/mass contributions.
Factoring the system of equations using the symmetric spooles solver
Using up to 1 cpu(s) for spooles.
Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.
Hi I recreated the model on a different computer with 1.3.5, everything works normally. On the one with the problem it looks like it was using all 16 cores but wasn’t displaying it for some reason.
Ok, everything is working fine. I am closing the topic.