Nonpositive jacobian

When I analyze, I encounter a nonpositive error. I saw an error similar to this on the forum, but when I examined it, it did not answer my problem.

Do you have a tie constraint with adjustment there ? If not, which mesher are you using and with what non-default settings ?

I have a tie constraint

Then set Adjust to No for that tie constraint and it should work. If it doesn’t help, make sure that Midside nodes on geometry is disabled in advanced meshing parameters and maybe try with linear elements.

maybe the tetrahedral mesh using Gmsh did not activate optimization features.

Gmsh shouldn’t generate elements with negative jacobian if Second order linear is enabled and it is by default in PrePoMax. Unless the geometry is particulary nasty but it doesn’t seem to be the case here.

It worked, thank you.

I want to ask something else.
As you can see, this piece is completely connected to each other. For this reason, does it make sense to select the entire party for the master tie and the entire piece for the slave in the tie section?
Like that:

Only the touching faces should be selected to avoid overconstraints. But there’s a Search contact pairs tool that can help you define the connections. Or you could create a compound part so that there’s no need to use any constraints.

part of the right position seems to be change in density of mesh and probably in setting, clearly notified the solution can benefit for another user.