I would like to inquire if it is feasible to simulate dry friction in this program, particularly the friction that arises when the layers of a cantilever beam slide. My goal is to create a model that qualitatively resembles the experimental results. The experiment involves measuring the logarithmic decrement before and after delamination. I have attached an explanatory image for reference.
Ideally, I would prefer to focus on solving a two-dimensional problem and consider delamination across the entire width of the cantilever sample in the experiment. Is this possible within the capabilities of the program?
CalculiX (and thus also PrePoMax) doesn’t support delamination modeling. However, basic Coulomb friction model is of course supported. It allows you to specify the friction coefficient and stick slope.
Thank you for the quick reply. Delamination propagation is not required here - the size of the delamination will remain constant during vibration. What would be the best way to define the geometry while accounting for contacts that may slip if the tangential force exceeds a defined critical value? Also, regarding the dimensions - is it possible to formulate this as a purely 2D problem without extending into the third dimension? Or would a “3D” model be more appropriate, with a unit grid size along the 3rd axis?
You will likely need dynamic implicit analysis for this. The geometry is up to you, just make sure that you have separation (disconnected nodes) where you want contact to be used. At first glance, it seems that this problem can be modeled in 2D but it might be tricky in the case of dynamics so it would be best to try both 2D and 3D approaches and compare the results.