Mesh Parameters Type

Hi, I recently tried out version 1.4.0, and noticed 2 things with regards to meshing:

  1. By default, when first opening meshing parameters, mesh settings are in “basic” mode, and you can choose a max and min element size. I then change to “advanced” mode, where I can choose both “absolute” and “relative”. If I choose relative, I now have a max/min size factor. If I change mesh settings back to “basic” (without touching the “relative” setting), now I get the basic options, but with a max/min element factor, not with max/min element size. I assume that the dialog should reset to element size, or otherwise a absolute/relative option should be present.

  2. There is a typo in the mesh settings description, it says “Turn on advanced mash settings”

Thanks for the report. I can confirm your observations under 1 and 2. For point 1 I agree that now the behaviour is strange. I wanted to include as few options in the basic mode, so I removed the absolute/relative option. But wanted to keep the option to only show the relative sizes in the basic mode (if a user chooses relative setting as default in the program settings). I will try it out some more before deciding what to do. As for number 2, I will fix it in the next release version.

I have changed the behavior so that when the basic mesh settings are selected, the same absolute/relative mesh settings are shown. If the default mesh settings in global settings are absolute, always the absolute settings will be displayed in the basic view, and if the global settings are relative, always the relative settings will be shown in the basic view.

In advanced view, both settings can be used.

The change will be available in the next PrePoMax version.