Internationalized Multilingual Adaptation

The possibility of internationalized multilingual adaptation, or the provision of related solutions and resource documents. I want to do multi-language adaptation, but did not find a suitable solution.

Translation to other languages is worth considering but strings for translations would likely have to be prepared in a specific way. One could look into other open-source projects and the ways they handle translations. FreeCAD uses Crowdin, probably most of the other FOSS projects just rely directly on GitHub files.

Are you interested in translation to a particular language ?

P.S. Generally speaking, FEA software, with its very specific nomenclature, often has only English version (apart from Code_Aster which is in French) and can be difficult to properly translate. I could handle translation to Polish though. It probably wouldn’t sound very natural due to the aforementioned specific nomenclature but probably some users would appreciate it.

I want to translate it into Chinese, but I didn’t find a proper way to do it, I want to do it by managing resource files. If it’s possible I can refer to the way you translate Polish to translate him into Chinese.

I haven’t started yet because the files would have to be prepared somehow but I’ll let you know if it’s ready to translate in the future. Chinese translation could be helpful.

Okay, thanks. I’ll wait for your message.