How do I correctly setup this small 3-part assembly with contact and rigid bodies?

I created a small suspension assembly from 3 parts:

  • A spring, made from TPU
  • An upper wishbone, made from Nylon 6
  • And a pin, made from Steel

I apply a concentrated force in upward direction at the end of the upper wishbone through a reference point, which is connected to the wishbone pin-holes through a rigid body constraint, as can be seen in the screenshot.

The results that I get are impossible. So I guess, I have setup something wrong.

These are the results:

Can you share the file ? How does it deform and what’s wrong with the results or what do you expect ?

it seems stress almost uniform around holes an become unrealistic. Probably, all part connected by tie constraint, penalty contact may need in this case. Or the pin actually glued to another part in reality, so a tangential movement or sliding did not occur?

After closing and opening the file again, some of the issues are gone now. Do you know where is may stem from?

Now, there is still one thing left, which I expect to behave differently:

  • The steel pin should not have stresses this high in its contact area (approx. 80 MPa), while other regions barely have any stresses (< 1MPa).

Surface behaviour is set to “Hard” with both pairs having steel pin as the master

Here is a link to the pmx file: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

I cannot upload files directly to this forum, because I just created the account.

This is commonly caused by too coarse discretization. Hexahedral elements would be better but they can be applied only on relatively simple geometries. For now, I would refine the mesh there significantly. And make sure that the master surface belongs to a stiffer body with a coarser mesh.


mesh interfere or element collide at slave and master curved surface can be the reason of unexpected results in contact analysis. Try setting to advanced and following curve geometry may solved the problem even without refinement i.e default mesh size.

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I suggest you use Advanced Mesh Settings to enable Mid-side Nodes on the contact surfaces and also refine the mesh in same locations.

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