Homogeneous conditions

Manual says:

“Homogeneous conditions should be placed before the first *STEP keyword card”.

¿Is there a specific reason why Prepomax set them inside the step?¿Is that correct?

Thanks, and sorry for asking so much. Many new things.

In Abaqus there’s a default Initial step for this. BCs in that step (or generally speaking before the first *STEP keyword) can only be fixed (no prescribed displacements). Then they are carried to the following steps and can be modified there. But in practice it’s pretty much the same as defining fixed BCs in the first step.


My next question is already answered in the forum:

BCs and Load Op=New vs continuation

Thanks again.

I suspect it makes a difference. I’, not able to get the same result as a file computed with mecway. It’s one of the main differences if not the only.
OP card could be responsible too.