I will upload my prepomax file and would like some help if possible.
Is it set correctly?
And why when I run it, my reaction forces are incredibly low, plus when I increase the displacement from 4mm to 5mm, it doesn’t coverge.
Plus how can I put the displacement agaist the force.
You have a boundary condition on the contact surface, this should be avoided. You may need a different modeling approach here because of that. Maybe make the pin rigid or even exclude it and use the compression-only constraint instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYuvUbu6Sw8
You requested the reaction force on the slave surface. For contact this does not work, instead you shoud select the fixed edge and select “Totals - only” to sum up all node values. The summed Y-Forces at the edge should then be similar to FN of the requested contact output CF (not necessary to select “Total - only” here).
In the same output, you requested U for this node set. Instead you should create a separate node output and select only one suitable slave node here. Unfortunately, in prepomax you cannot choose any other node output for the x-axis than time (would be nice to have this feature like in paraview). So you need to copy the results of these two outputs for x and y and plot the curve in excel.
You selected a Time period of 120s and initial time increment of 0.2s. I don’t quite understand, why don’t you leave the period at 1s and reduce the increments accordingly? It’s just a static step. Also the specified amplitude of 0,0/120,1 is redundant.
I wonder why the mesh is so extremely fine. Of course, a finer mesh generally leads to more accurate results, but in this case i would start with a significantly coarser mesh. It doesn’t really help speed up convergence if this was your intention.
I had no convergence problem with your selected BCs.
My real life experiment the max distance was 4.6mm and max force 27.6 kN. So It took around 150secs to reach that. I thought using this time period and the specified amplitued that it will match the tensile machine or I am in big mistake/ not understanding of PrePoMax