Failed to mesh with using Prepomax new Gmsh options

¿What about a hole tool?

That would be very difficult to acomplish. If the element nodes do not coincide with the hole boundary, remeshing is necessary.

And if the model is build as full (like in the picture ) and the hole is a partition for the mesher to know it has to put the nodes on top of it?.

HI Sergio, Would you be able to provide the stp full part with the holes as a partition?

Dear @Matej, attached a case were the sweep doesn´t respect the predefined edge refinements, in the yellow part should be 20 elements as in the blue one. In a prior test, taking the front planar face of the yellow part for sweping, it tells me that the part was not suitable for sweeping. Don´t know what I have touched but now is swepeable.

When we define edge refinement, if more than two coincident components (not a compound part) are visible, for which one the refinement is defined? (331.9 KB)

One thing that would be very usefull is to have a special case of mesh refining to apply in edges, and this refining should left a kind of widget in the geometry showing the number of elements adjusted.

thanks for hint and i can confirm, keeping in even numbers of division for quasi-structured quad to be possible to merge.

body partition of bottom part need to satisfy equal face matching to be possible to merge as top part.

The problem is that you selected all sweep edges. This is first not necessary since setting the mesh refinement on a single edge is enough, and secondly, wrong in this case since the edges have different lengths and setting the element size for all edges results in a different number of elements per sweep edge. If multiple number of edges per edge is defined, PrePoMax considers the last one specified. This will work better when I add the Number of elements per edge option, but for now, only try to prescribe the mesh refinement for one sweep edge.

** Edit **
It is also enough to specify the mesh refinement on the source surfaces. The mesh refinements on the target surfaces are never taken into account.

I cannot reproduce this problem.

I will add “Number of elements per edge” mesh setup item. And I agree it would be nice to see it visually. I can display the “Number of elements per edge” distribution and the mesh refinement distribution with edge seeds all the time and only after one or the other is selected in the tree, the default highlight is shown (like the whole edge, surface,…). And it should be possible to hide the edge seeds.


You are right, I confuse the edge size with quantity of elements that should be the same. I apply in all edges because it was not working :slight_smile:

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