Difference in results creo vs PPM

Is that offset shown in Creo (2760 mm) measured from the surface, the origin, the CM,…


I have add a new reference point in Prepomax at (0,0,0). Why is the coordinate system symbol shown below?

it is offset from 0,0,0 origin coordinate system (coordinate system the same as in prepomax) green surface serves as normal to give offset direction)

the best option would be to check in ansys or abaqus

The same model (mesh and everything - only removed the differences in syntax but otherwise it was the same .inp file) solved in Abaqus:

can you rescale graph to 15 segments lower value 24 MPa and top value 360 as it was in ppm ?

Sorry. Seems that symbol was not the origin but the bounbing Box centre.

if you have time would be nice to recreate model in abaqus ( non only import/export data between PPM and Abaqus) since now I really do not know if results are good for ppm or from Creo difference is quite significant .
best regards

The orange cross symbol is the current rotation point for the mouse rotation. By default, it is the bounding box center. It can be moved by using a single middle button click.

For now, here are the Abaqus results with adjusted legend:

They look very similar. And displacements are pretty much the same:

So it’s definitely not CalculiX’s inaccuracy. Just a matter of the mesh (and the difference in this aspect in both solvers).

thanks . I also have good opinion about Calulix & PPM. But I have to keep looking to find where is mistake
thx anyway

maybe, it can try by changes the load distribution to surface traction instead of rigid body and reference nodes.