Convergence of crown gear pair contact

Esteemed Users,
I run a tooth root stress analysis of a crown gear pair. Driver is the steel pinion, driven is the POM gear.

The contact does not converge unless I added a small spring to the pinion to generate a counter torque to the load torque. The influence of the spring is neglectable, since the displacement is very small. The result is creditable.

The default amplitude was used.


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Check this thread: Zero reaction moment when reading from ROT NODE in 2D - CalculiX (official versions are on, the official GitHub repository is at

Such an approach with soft springs or dashpots isn’t uncommon and may often be utilized in analyses of mechanisms. You could also try running a dynamic analysis: Bevel gear dynamic simulation

Or use prescribed rotation BC instead of torque. Or use an additional step with such a BC to establish contact and then follow it with a step applying the actual loading. There are several approaches here.

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