Contacts Analysis - Mesh - CCX

Goodevening, I am trying to understad how caluclix estimates the contacts between two meshes in simulations like wear analsis. I am wondering if the algorithms considers the contacts in terms of the geometric primitves or the solver just kwnows the positions of the nodes of the mesh in space and esitmates the contact( How is it done?), Does anyone know how can this problem can be solved problem or which algorthm does it?

The operation of contact algorithms is described in CalculiX User’s Manual (section 6.7. Boundary conditions): Basically, nonlinear spring elements are used to model contact. If you want to know more about the theory behind this, I would recommend Abaqus documentation (implementation is analogous) and the “Computational Contact Mechanics” book written by P. Wriggers - father of these algorithms in FEA.

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