i’m trying to understand the implementation of compression only support feature in PrePoMax. Latest version of CalculiX allowed the stiffness to adjust and overwrites by the user, previously is not possible i.e using default higher value 10^12 in force/length units at compression.
when user do overrides, it seems PrePoMax use this input value directly in GAP element stiffness. Also, the units have typo shown ‘N/m’ instead of ‘N/mm’. It did not take the advantages of spring stiffness value overwrite in CalculiX.
The behavior in workflow seems possible to make it similar to surface spring feature currently available in PrePoMax. A further calculation based on tributary aresas in done internally, grouping of Gap element also.
below example taken from previous discussion in surface spring, i’m just used the largest value of spring stiffness (11250 N/mm) at whole Gap element for quick testing. The behavior in results are similar except in tension or uplift, refining the model by distributing stiffness properly is required for accuracy.
hopefully, these unique and advantages Gap element in CalculiX is interesting and consider to be implemented in PrePoMax.