Axis specific mesh control


Is there a way to force “thickness” element density or something like mesh control in the X/Y/Z axis separately? When I change the elements per edge that restriction is only for the edge and isn’t propagated throughout the thickness.


These are long thin parts so if I make the mesh size to get 3-4 elements in the Z axis, the X-Y becomes a very large amount of elements at that size.

hi, i tried to refine at the top and bottom face but it seems not possible with current version of Netgen or Gmsh.

by doing manual partition can be achieved, however extrusion based and tie constraint or tied contact is more effective for models of flat plate like parts.

If your parts are simple enough, it’s better to mesh them with hexahedral elements. Then it’s much easier to control the number of elements in the thickness direction (especially if you create such a mesh by extrusion - there you can specify the number of elements in that direction explicitly). Hexahedral meshes are recommended whenever possible.

I have no frame of reference for what a simple part is. To me it seems simple compare to other things I want to try but likely isn’t compared to some.

How does one force the type of element shape? Is this a different type of mesh setup?

mesh setup can be similar,

each part is separated, i.e no compound assigned then connect them with tie constraint or tied contact.

Simple in terms of being able to apply hexahedral meshing that has certain rules: Summary of Gmsh hex meshing rules

Basically, if it can be created by simple extrusion or revolution or broken into segments with 5 or 6 faces having 3 or 4 edges each then it can be meshed with hexahedrons. Of course, you can use mixed meshes too.

alternate methods without partition, but it’s not work in compound part.

added another examples,

If I do a extrude mesh, I get some odd results. Initial temp is 25C with back surface constrained to 25C with input heat flux on top surface. Don’t understand why there would be a lower than constrained temperature at those nodes?

it improves with an increased mesh density though.

Enable recombination if you are using Extruded Mesh to create hexahedrons instead of wedges. This will create a better mesh.

i checked again and i can be wrong, refinement at edge in thickness direction did not generate layer uniformly. Currently, only by manual partitioin or extrusion method is possible.

I think I remember there is an option to propagate element size inwards. I turned it off to create meshes where the element size can change internally. I can check if I can make this parameter available to the user.