Yield Stress - Plastic strain curve

Red line was drawn according to data points table that i had inputted.

When actual calculation of Von Mises distribution is over 800 MPa,
Could you let me know calculix solver how to calculate the blue line on “Yield Stress - Plastic strain graph” ?

In Abaqus and most likely also in CalculiX (although it’s not mentioned in the documentation) extrapolation beyond the specified stress - plastic strain data is done in a way that you described - constant stress for increasing plastic strain (plateau). This may cause convergence issues and thus, it’s often recommended to specify more points to cover the entire range of strains occuring in the simulation. It can be just a linear extrapolation.

As a side note, in the newest version of Abaqus it’s possible to enable linear extrapolation beyond the specified *Plastic data but it can be done only using keywords (not in GUI). Maybe PrePoMax could also include such an option - a checkbox to enable linear extrapolation instead of plateau after the last specified point of the stress - strain curve.

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FEAnalyst san,
Thank you so much for your kindly advise !

That is not a bad idea and I will try to implement it in the future.