Troubleshooting my thread and clamp project

I face many problems and bugs in my project. Wonder if any of you wanna help me understand und use Prepomax efficently.

First der are some Trouble importing the geometrie. in STEP format the Frame structure is only partly recogniced by propomax, but iges is working fine. I only managed to mesh a 2D Shell mesh, for 3D can only mesh the Thread/screw, the Framestructure fails me all the time, dont know why.

Can anybody give me a direction where to go with this? i am glad for any help you can provide.
i plan to do a linear static analyse with small displacement first.
If i can get this running i want to do nonlinear material and contacts too.
I am very currious about your workflows and strategies
clamp.pmx (1.8 MB)

For me, the 3D version meshes with the default meshing parameters settings:

Since you have a threaded connection, you will likely need contact right away unless you try with tie constraint first. Plasticity can be added later on. It’s good to increase the complexity of the model gradually.

@FEAnalyst THX for your hint, looks like Tet mesh is the way to go for now.
Maybe i should better stick to the default mesh settings

Hex mesh can be applied only to rather simple parts. The rules are described here: Summary of Gmsh hex meshing rules

Some components can be partitioned to be able to mesh them with hexahedrons but in many cases it’s just not possible (at least without significant simplifications) and good tetrahedral mesh is sufficient.

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