Shell conections

I have very basic level question: How connect shells in prepomax? shells have different thickness so can not be made as compound (connection edge to edge or edge to face in T joint connection) .Some more complex tutorial would be a great help in this area.
best regards

Tie constraint or (better) merging to create a continuous mesh should do the job. Some overlap of the material might be unavoidable but it’s commonly encountered and usually ignored (results are read away from the connection). However, you can try using the offset option in the shell section settings to model the connection more accurately, with no overlap.

I think that the compound part should do the trick. Then you have to assign different shell sections to different part faces.

​not exactly since it creates one shell part (easy to mesh) , but I want to keep different thickness for single shells after compound it is impossible

best regards

the surface of a part need to partition before in CAD you’re using. so different part of shell properties (i.e thickness, offset, material) require to be separated.

*edited (addition)
in case of shell with single part, only at specific geometry can be selected base on mesh and angle criteria. for example multipart tubular steel, selection of chord, brace diagonal and vertical member are possible.

2022-08-30 09_32_30-Set selection