Metallic connection: bolt stresses

in the attached example I ask where I can get the stresses on the bolts
The structure is symmetrical and loaded symmetrically so the result must be equal to:
Fz (F3) = 10’000 N/4 = 2’500 N.
I don’t understand how I can read the result.
I tried to read the F3 Forces on the contact surface between the hole and the bolt but I get a zero value.
Thank you

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FORC output is just for the reaction/applied forces so it’s non-zero only where BCs and loads are. If you want to read the forces from bolts modeled as solids then you can use e.g. *SECTION PRINT. It’s not supported in PrePoMax though so you would need keyword edits and internal surface for each bolt. More about this here: Best way to find force in bolted connection

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I changed a few things in your file, see attached.

Mont_Linea_Vita-modi.pmx (1.9 MB)

after starting the analysis, this warning appears (because i deleted some contact pairs previously). The problem is that this list can become so long that it’s no longer possible to confirm the message. Can this warning be deactivated please?

I was made aware of this “long error report” recently. So I will try to fix it.

But I would like tofind out the reason why this happened in the first place. Can you recreate the problem?

I was wrong, the compression only constraint leads to this warning.
To recreate the problem, define a compression only constraint. Then delete the part and create a new mesh. It seems that some informations/internal selections of this constraint remains and will not be completely deleted with the part.


Problem solved. Thanks for the replies

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