Interference fit implementation

Still there values are concentrated to certain points, should the CPRES be evenly distributed

Try linear finite elements.

The shaft in brown and bush in green, would the secondary or slave penetration into the master cause this

I am unable to set the linear FE, any documentation would help

Just switch Second order to No in Meshing parameters:

You can also try Hexa elements. Mesh with quad dominated and extrusion. These are my settings and I obtained VM on the lip almost constant even with second order elements.

Using Linear FE gives the same result, but trying now with Hexa elements. @ANYS if you create the mesh in Prepomax can you share the mesh settings

I mesh it outside but you can use both, extruded or revolve algorithms with Delaunay for quads inside Prepomax.

Calculix has problems with this kind of geometry where there is contact between two cylindrical parts.
I get this a lot when I have pin to compute.
To solve this problem I usually do what Gunnar suggested me in this post (i.e., I use the compound part) Bolts shear contact not working correctly (see his first post).
I tried to write about the problem on the Calculix forum, but they suspended my account and deleted the post (I honestly don’t know why, I was neither insulting nor rude, I just rewrote what you see in the post I linked to you).
I hope this solves your problem.

Thank you @ANYS this worked.