could it be complete log posted about the fatal error?
coupling implementation in CalculiX is different for newer to each previous version. Maybe i need to update in testing to the latest release.
could it be complete log posted about the fatal error?
coupling implementation in CalculiX is different for newer to each previous version. Maybe i need to update in testing to the latest release.
Normally, I think it should work since it says this in the user guide, isn’t it??
Repeat this line if needed to constrain other degrees of freedom.
Yes, but each line should feature a range of DOFs, not a single value. The second item can be left blank but CalculiX may expect a comma there. Sometimes CalculiX is pretty sensitive about the syntax.
simple run shown this approach works in latest version, probably another reason in fatal error and related to surface set definition in coupling type of distributing is not yet to change from node set.
I do not longer get any fatal error! I have no log file to share
This is the .inp file I runned and does not converge to the 2nd increment…
CNIM_66_calculix.inp (1.8 MB)
I runned my model from the cmd. Is there a way I can see the .frd result from PreProMax of the first runned increment? To try to see if I am doing something very wrong?
If you can’t open it in PrePoMax, try using GraphiX (CalculiX’s native GUI: Using standalone CalculiX).
Use FIle → Open to load the results only.
yes probably, latest file attached has been modified in surface set definition.
it is missing dof 6 in the list, but it seems there’s another reason since divergence still an issue. I’m not familiar with gear analysis, what is units being used in AMP_ROT definition?
Yeah, but in this case there seems to be an error when trying to open those partial results:
Maybe because of unsupported coupling constraints. That’s why I suggested using GraphiX.
is there an input files known to be working in Abaqus? interesting to do compares with CalculiX in coupling setup.
p,s it seems coupling type distributing assign to straight and curve edge also and have a problem.
I do not get how to download or where can I find the GraphiX package…
of course in amplitude, i mean in boundary is this in radians unit and the value about sixty degrees rotation? is long journey in gear contact analysis probably.
firstly, it seems required to return coupling type kinematic since it has curved edge surfaces, then add local cylindrical coordinate system even Abaqus does not, and switch to Mortar contact . These advanced contact type known to be fast and better in convergences, i was test personally in clip contact issue from CalculiX forums.
*Coupling, Ref node=25495, Surface=RBE2_P_CNS, Orientation=OR1, Constraint name=Constraint-pinion
*Coupling, Ref node=25497, Surface=RBE2_G_CNS, Orientation=OR2, Constraint name=Constraint-gear
Indeed. The .inp file uses binary output, so PrePoMax cannot open it.
If you exchange:
*Node output → *Node file
*Element output → *El file
*Contact output → *Contact file
you can open it in PrePoMax.
Right, I haven’t noticed those non-standard output requests (in Abaqus they are the standard ones and the OP uses Abaqus as well).
Right, I haven’t noticed those non-standard output requests
I am planning to add a binary .frd reader but until that time I could add a check that would notify the user about it.
Amplitude, Is a long journey, but I want 3 teeth to mesh completely, that is why I have so much steps to help it converge.
Why didn’t you use *Distributing instead of *Kinematic? If I want to apply a moment (by *Cload) in that ref node and surface, a *Distributing constraint should be applied, right?
I already tried with the cylindrical coordinate system but still does not work and stops in the 4th increment
Thanks! I was already able to see the results doing that!
However, now I am more surprissed with the results… indeed there is no rotation at all on the pinion along the 3 increments… everything is like blocked and there is a strange stress concentration in node 3 which I do not understand at all…
Do you have any ideas of what it can be?
Thanks a lot!!!
Why didn’t you use *Distributing instead of *Kinematic?
i’m not sure but it’s related to curved surface in model, kinematic also in rotational force or moment/torque.