I have checked this web site many times , but I can not find
The package described as âCalculiX with all solvers and DLLs from the IntelÂŽ oneAPI Math Kernel Library 2022.3 required by the Pardiso solver.â should have it.
Thank you for support
Any additional action required to switch to ooc version ?
Best regards
I know this is not a solution but, looking at your mesh, the mesh density is much higher than needed for an engineering application. I would try to decrease the mesh element size first. Even if you can run such a model, the pre and post-processing will be much more problematic/slow. You can increase the mesh density on local regions using Mesh refinements.
Dear Matej
I wrote earlier that this structure consist of steel plates , looks like giant box , thatâs why I can not use low density mesh .
Best regards
You can always start with a coarser mesh and perform mesh convergence study - refine the mesh and check how the results change. At some point the results should stop changing significantly and further refinement wonât increase the accuracy anymore.
when I use low density mesh I obtain negative Jacobian
Negative Jacobian usually occurs when the mid-nodes of the parabolic tetrahedral elements are projected to the geometry. Are you using projection of the mid-side nodes on geometry = Yes.
where can I check it or switch off ?
thank you for help
Does it affect results quality ? , since I have read that parabolic elements should have 10 nodes ?
It doesnât decrease the number of nodes, itâs just about projecting the midside ones to the geometry so that its curvature is better captured.
thanks it helps a lot but the message in PPM mesher window is a little bit ambiguous
Hello Michael!
Here is a good description. It helped me understand the meshing parameters.