Boundary, Fixed options

No, OP=NEW only removes all the BCs that were not respecified within the step. It’s not that it removes the previous BCs defined in the same step.

Oooh. Thanks. :+1: Jakub

Would be nice one of those in Prepomax:


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Which one? You can deactivate the BCs in any step. You can also propagate the BCs to the following steps.

I guess that ANYS is talking about the BC Manager itself. It’s a handy tool but yes - deactivation and propagation of selected BCs is still possible in PrePoMax. It’s just handled differently in the input deck - Abaqus uses the default OP=MOD if nothing is deactivated in a step.

I found the OP=MOD setting a little confusing for new users. If there are 2 steps and the same load is defined in the three (in both steps), then looking at the .inp file shows a different picture. The load is suddenly missing. So I decided to redefine everything.

In which cases does the OP=NEW couses problems?

Yeah, it makes sense as the default setting. Normally, it shouldn’t cause any problems. But CalculiX has its quirks: Wrong results in a multistep analysis with shells and *BOUNDARY, OP=NEW · Issue #13 · Dhondtguido/CalculiX · GitHub